Poly(A) Polymerase

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Structure of Yeast Poly(A) Polymerase with ATP, Mg+2 ion (green) and oligo(A) (PDB entry 2q66)

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Note: the regulatory subunit of Vaccinia virus Poly(A) polymerase is called VP39 and the catalytic subunit name is VP55

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For additional examples of transferases, see: Transferase


Mechanism of poly(A) polymerase: structure of the enzyme-MgATP-RNA ternary complex and kinetic analysis., Balbo PB, Bohm A, Structure. 2007 Sep;15(9):1117-31. PMID:17850751

  1. Koshre GR, Shaji F, Mohanan NK, Mohan N, Ali J, Laishram RS. Star-PAP RNA Binding Landscape Reveals Novel Role of Star-PAP in mRNA Metabolism That Requires RBM10-RNA Association. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Sep 15;22(18):9980. PMID:34576144 doi:10.3390/ijms22189980
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