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Solution structure of the chimera of the C-terminal tail peptide of APP and the C-terminal PID domain of Fe65L
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FunctionAPBB2_MOUSE May modulate the internalization of beta-amyloid precursor protein (By similarity). Evolutionary ConservationCheck, as determined by ConSurfDB. You may read the explanation of the method and the full data available from ConSurf. Publication Abstract from PubMedFe65L1, a member of the Fe65 family, is an adaptor protein that interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein (APP) through its C-terminal phosphotyrosine interaction/phosphotyrosine binding (PID/PTB) domain. In the present study, the solution structures of the C-terminal PID domain of mouse Fe65L1, alone and in complex with a 32-mer peptide (DAAVTPEERHLSKMQQNGYENPTYKFFEQMQN) derived from the cytoplasmic domain of APP, were determined using NMR spectroscopy. The C-terminal PID domain of Fe65L1 alone exhibits a canonical PID/PTB fold, whereas the complex structure reveals a novel mode of peptide binding. In the complex structure, the NPTY motif forms a type-I beta-turn, and the residues immediately N-terminal to the NPTY motif form an antiparallel beta-sheet with the beta5 strand of the PID domain, the binding mode typically observed in the PID/PTB.peptide complex. On the other hand, the N-terminal region of the peptide forms a 2.5-turn alpha-helix and interacts extensively with the C-terminal alpha-helix and the peripheral regions of the PID domain, representing a novel mode of peptide binding that has not been reported previously for the PID/PTB.peptide complex. The indispensability of the N-terminal region of the peptide for the high affinity of the PID-peptide interaction is consistent with NMR titration and isothermal calorimetry data. The extensive binding features of the PID domain of Fe65L1 with the cytoplasmic domain of APP provide a framework for further understanding of the function, trafficking, and processing of APP modulated by adapter proteins. Structure of the C-terminal phosphotyrosine interaction domain of Fe65L1 complexed with the cytoplasmic tail of amyloid precursor protein reveals a novel peptide binding mode.,Li H, Koshiba S, Hayashi F, Tochio N, Tomizawa T, Kasai T, Yabuki T, Motoda Y, Harada T, Watanabe S, Inoue M, Hayashizaki Y, Tanaka A, Kigawa T, Yokoyama S J Biol Chem. 2008 Oct 3;283(40):27165-78. Epub 2008 Jul 23. PMID:18650440[1] From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Loading citation details.. Citations No citations found References
Categories: Large Structures | Mus musculus | Harada T | Kigawa T | Koshiba S | Li H | Watanabe S | Yokoyama S