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Crystal structure of Nidogen/Laminin Complex
Structural highlights
FunctionNID1_MOUSE Sulfated glycoprotein widely distributed in basement membranes and tightly associated with laminin. Also binds to collagen IV and perlecan. It probably has a role in cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Evolutionary ConservationCheck, as determined by ConSurfDB. You may read the explanation of the method and the full data available from ConSurf. Publication Abstract from PubMedBasement membranes are fundamental to tissue organization and physiology in all metazoans. The interaction between laminin and nidogen is crucial to the assembly of basement membranes. The structure of the interacting domains reveals a six-bladed Tyr-Trp-Thr-Asp (YWTD) beta-propeller domain in nidogen bound to laminin epidermal-growth-factor-like (LE) modules III3-5 in laminin (LE3-5). Laminin LE module 4 binds to an amphitheatre-shaped surface on the pseudo-6-fold axis of the beta-propeller, and LE module 3 binds over its rim. A Phe residue that shutters the water-filled central aperture of the beta-propeller, the rigidity of the amphitheatre, and high shape complementarity enable the construction of an evolutionarily conserved binding surface for LE4 of unprecedentedly high affinity for its small size. Hypermorphic mutations in the Wnt co-receptor LRP5 (refs 6-9) suggest that a similar YWTD beta-propeller interface is used to bind ligands that function in developmental pathways. A related interface, but shifted off-centre from the pseudo-6-fold axis and lacking the shutter over the central aperture, is used in the low-density lipoprotein receptor for an intramolecular interaction that is regulated by pH in receptor recycling. Complex between nidogen and laminin fragments reveals a paradigmatic beta-propeller interface.,Takagi J, Yang Y, Liu JH, Wang JH, Springer TA Nature. 2003 Aug 21;424(6951):969-74. PMID:12931195[1] From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Loading citation details.. Citations 25 reviews cite this structure No citations found See AlsoReferences
Categories: Large Structures | Mus musculus | Liu J-H | Springer TA | Takagi J | Wang J-H | Yang YT