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Crystal Structure of Ascaris suum Malic Enzyme Complexed with NADH
Structural highlights
FunctionEvolutionary ConservationCheck, as determined by ConSurfDB. You may read the explanation of the method and the full data available from ConSurf. Publication Abstract from PubMedThe crystal structure of the mitochondrial NAD-malic enzyme from Ascaris suum, in a quaternary complex with NADH, tartronate, and magnesium has been determined to 2.0-A resolution. The structure closely resembles the previously determined structure of the same enzyme in binary complex with NAD. However, a significant difference is observed within the coenzyme-binding pocket of the active site with the nicotinamide ring of NADH molecule rotating by 198 degrees over the C-1-N-1 bond into the active site without causing significant movement of the other catalytic residues. The implications of this conformational change in the nicotinamide ring to the catalytic mechanism are discussed. The structure also reveals a binding pocket for the divalent metal ion in the active site and a binding site for tartronate located in a highly positively charged environment within the subunit interface that is distinct from the active site. The tartronate binding site, presumably an allosteric site for the activator fumarate, shows striking similarities and differences with the activator site of the human NAD-malic enzyme that has been reported recently. Thus, the structure provides additional insights into the catalytic as well as the allosteric mechanisms of the enzyme. Crystallographic studies on Ascaris suum NAD-malic enzyme bound to reduced cofactor and identification of an effector site.,Rao GS, Coleman DE, Karsten WE, Cook PF, Harris BG J Biol Chem. 2003 Sep 26;278(39):38051-8. Epub 2003 Jul 9. PMID:12853453[1] From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Loading citation details.. Citations No citations found References
Categories: Ascaris suum | Large Structures | Coleman DE | Cook PF | Harris BG | Karsten WE | Rao GS