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ISSN 2310-6301

As life is more than 2D, Proteopedia helps to bridge the gap between 3D structure & function of biomacromolecules

Proteopedia presents this information in a user-friendly way as a collaborative & free 3D-encyclopedia of proteins & other biomolecules.

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Mutations in Coronavirus Spike Protein

by Eric Martz
Black spots are mutations of concern in SARS-CoV-2 spike protein reported by UK scientists in December, 2020. RNA viruses mutate quickly so mutations are expected. These mutations may speed up contagion, but are unlikely to cause more severe COVID-19 and unlikely to reduce vaccine effectiveness. ACE2 binding residues. Animation shows priming via cleavage by furin.
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Geobacter nanowire structure surprise.

F Wang, Y Gu, JP O'Brien, SM Yi, SE Yalcin, V Srikanth, C Shen, D Vu, NL Ing, AI Hochbaum, EH Egelman, NS Malvankar. Cell 2019 doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.03.029
Bacteria living in anaerobic environments (no oxygen) need alternative electron acceptors in order to get energy from their food. An acceptor abundant in the earth's crust is red iron oxide ("rust"), which gets reduced to black iron oxide (magnetite). Many bacteria, such as Geobacter, get their metabolic energy by transferring electrons to acceptors that are multiple cell diameters distant, using protein nanowires. These were long thought to be pili. But when the structure of the nanowires was solved in 2019, to everyone's surprise, they turned out to be unprecedented linear polymers of multi-heme cytochromes. The hemes form an electrically conductive chain in the cores of these nanowires.

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Tutorial: Ramachandran Plot Inspection

by Angel Herráez
Side-by-side display of dihedral angles in a 3D model of a tripeptide and its Ramachandran plot. Users can interact with any of them and the other will change accordingly. Includes animated rotations with display of clashes.

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