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Crystal structure of the small GTPase Rab27B complexed with the Slp homology domain of Melanophilin

PDB ID 2zet

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2zet, resolution 3.00Å (default scene)
Ligands: GTP, MG, SO4, ZN
Non-Standard Residues: MSE
Gene: Rab27b (Mus musculus), Slac2a (Mus musculus)
Resources: FirstGlance, OCA, RCSB, PDBsum, TOPSAN
Coordinates: save as pdb, mmCIF, xml



The Rab family of proteins is one of the Ras family of monomeric G proteins. There are approximately 70 types of known Rabs in humans. Rab GTPases are involved in the regulation of vesicular traffic in eukaryotic cells, among which vesicle formation, vesicle movement along actin and tubulin network and membrane fusion. Rab proteins are bound to the surface of the membrane by a lipid group covalently linked to an amino acid. As Rabs are GTPases, they have two conformations. The inactive form is bound to GDP and the active one is linked to GTP. Rab escort proteins only bind Rab-GDP and Rab effectors only bind Rab-GTP. Rabs work thanks to Rab effectors.

Figure1: Cycle of the small G protein Rab
Figure1: Cycle of the small G protein Rab [1]

Rab27A and Rab27B are isoforms (72% of identity) and use several specific effector proteins, among which the Exophilin3/Melanophilin/Slac2-a, to regulate the exocytosis of secretory granule cells. Two groups of Rab27 effectors can be made, depending on their interactions specificities. The first one is composed of Melanophilin, Exophilin4, Exophilin5 and Exophilin6, which are specific effectors for Rab27. The other group consists of Rabphilin-3a, Granuphilin-a and JFC1, which are also effectors for Rab3 and Rab8 for instance. Rab27A/B proteins are not only involved in the transport of lysosome-related organelles regulation and may regulate more types of granule exocytosis mechanisms, like endocrine.[2]

Mutations of Rab27A cause human type II Griscelli syndrome (hypopigmentation and immunodeficiency disorder) because of a defect in melanosome transport in melanocytes. Rab27A orchestrates the transport of melanosomes by recruitment of the actin motor, myosin Va, onto melanosomes. Rab27A links the melanosome and then recruits melanophilin, which finally bounds myosin-Va. Because Rab27A and Rab27B are isoforms and because of the effects of Rab27A mutations, it is interested to study Rab27B.[3]

Biological functions


At the moment, no Rab27B mutation is known to cause human disease or animal strain. But Rab27B is known to localize on pituitary endocrines granules, dense and α-granules in platelets and megakaryocytes, urothelial fusiform vesicles and parotid and pancreatic acinar granules. Rab27B is largely expressed in canonical secretory cells, neurons and cells involved in surface protection and mechanical extension. Rab27B regulates a secretory granule exocytosis step in parotid acinar cells. It has several Rab27B effector proteins. For example, the interaction of Rab27B with Slac2-c/MyRIP is very important for amylase release. Slac2-c is a myosin Va/VIIa and actin binding protein and may act in retinal melanosome transport in melanocytes regulation. Rab27B exists on amylase containing secretory granules in the rat parotid gland. That is why the Rab27B-Slac2-c complex is important to release amylase. Rab27B is the first Rab protein known to contribute in the exocytosis of secretory granules in parotid acinar cells.[4]


As written before, melanophilin is a Rab27A/B effector. Slac2-a acts in the regulation of melanosome transport in mammalian skin melanocytes by binding melanosome-bound Rab27A and myosin Va, an actin-based motor protein. Although Slac2-a directly interacts with Rab27A and myosin Va via its N-terminal region (amino acids 1 to 146) and the middle region (amino acids 241 to 405), respectively, the functional importance of the putative actin-binding domain of the Slac2-a C terminus (amino acids 401 to 590) in melanosome transport has never been elucidated.[5]

Rab27B complexed with the Slp homology domain of Slac2-a

Little is known about the interactions between Rab27B and melanophilin. The Rab27B/Slac2-a complex has several intermolecular hydrogen bonds and electrostatic interactions. It may be used for drugs development for the Griscelli syndrome.[6]


2ZET is a 4 chains structure of sequences from Mus musculus. Full crystallographic information is available from OCA.

Structure of Rab27B

Figure 2: Overall stucture of the Rab27B/Slac2-a complex.
Figure 2: Overall stucture of the Rab27B/Slac2-a complex. [7]

General informations:

To obtain structural informations on the complex of mouse Rab27B and Slac2-a, a C-terminally truncated form of the GTPase-deficient mutant Rab27B (Q78L) was used. In fact, full size of Rab27B is 218 amino acids long whereas the truncated form of Rab27B contains only the GTPase domain (residues 1 to 201). [8] [9]

Detailed structure:

The structure of Rab27B in the complex contains a central six stranded beta sheet (ß1-6) flanked by five alpha helices (α1–5). Like other Ras-like small GTPases, Rab27B binds with GTP and Mg2+ in the conserved nucleotide-binding site (also see figure 2). Rab27B adopts a globular form in the complex. The ß2 and ß3 loop (residues 55-64) and α3-ß5 loop (residues122-126) of Rab27B are both regions involved in Slac2-a binding. [10]

Figure 3: Structural comparaison of Rab27B in GTP and GDP form.
Figure 3: Structural comparaison of Rab27B in GTP and GDP form. [11]

The complex Rab27B/Slac2-a can only be formed when Rab27B is in a GTP form. This can be explained because of the changing of shape between Rab27B in the GTP and GDP form (see figure 3). Rab27B–GTP adopts a compact monomer conformation, while an extended conformation is observed for GDP-bound Rab27B. Switch 1 and switch 2 of Rab27B play an important role in this changing of conformation. In fact, switch 1 and 2 allow GTP binding by making hydrogen bond with GTP's γ-phosphate, and this way also allows Slac2-a binding. But in the complex Rab27B/GDP switch 1 and switch 2 exist completely apart from the bound GDP, so there is no interaction with Slac2-a and no binding.

Structure of Slac2-a

General informations:

Slac2-a is a fragment from Slp Homology Domain, residues 1-146 from Melanophilin molecule. This protein is also called Exophilin-3. [12] Slac2-a plays an important role in actin-based melanosome transport in mammalian. In fact, the actin-binding domain of Slac2-a/Melanophilin is required for melanosome distribution in melanocytes.[13]

To obtain structural information on the complex of mouse Rab27B/Slac2-a, a truncated form of Slac2-a was used. This fragment of Slac2-a is the minimum region (residue 1 to 146) of Slac2-a that specifically binds to the GTP-bound form of Rab27B.

Detailed structure:

The structure of the Slac2-a effector domain comprises three subdomains: SHD1, SHD2, and a zinc-binding subdomain that is flanked by the two SHDs. [14] SHD1 is folded into a 66 Å lond helix alpha 1, and SHD2 is composed of three alpha helices, alpha 3 to alpha 5. SHD1 and SHD2 interact with each other by making a coiled coil between α1 and α3–α5. In this coiled coil, α3 and α5 interact with α1 in an antiparallel manner (see figure 2). The zinc-binding subdomain contains four short  Beta Strands  (ß1–ß4) and five loops(L1-L5), including one short Alpha Helices α2 and three short helices (in purple). The two zinc ions (Zn1 and Zn2) are each coordinated by four conserved cysteine residues: Cys64, Cys67, Cys89 and Cys92 for Zn1 binding, and Cys81, Cys84, Cys104, and Cys107 for Zn2 binding. [15]

Final model of 2zet: Two Rab27B/Slac2-a complexes (A/C and B/D)

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Structure of the complex

Model and general structure :

The final model of 2ZET includes:

- two pairs of the Rab27B/Slac2-a complex ,called A/C and B/D complex (A and B designate Rab 27B and C and D designate Slac2-a),

- two GTP molecules,

- two magnesium ions,

- four zinc ions,

- two sulfate ions.

Because the structures of the two Rab27B/Slac2-a complex are the same, we will describe only the structure of A/C complex with for ligand one GTP molecule, one magnesium ion, two zinc ions and one sulfate ion.

The A/C complex is a 3.0 Å crystal structure of the effector domain of mouse Slac2-a complexed with a GTPase-deficient mutant (Q78L) of mouse Rab27B. Rab27B adopts a globular form in the complex and Slac2-a forms an elongated helical fold with a subdomain that contains two zinc ions.

Interface of Rab27B/Slac2-a and interaction details:

Rab27B interacts with Slac2-a with a buried surface area of 2534 Ų, which corresponds to 30.2% of the total surface area.

There are three contact areas in the interface between Rab27B and Slac2-a. The first and second contact areas involve the coiled-coil regions of Slac2-a and constitute the main interface.

Figure 4: Rab27B/Slac2-a contact interfaces : (A) Contact area 1,  (C) Contact area 2,  (E) Contact area 3.
Figure 4: Rab27B/Slac2-a contact interfaces : (A) Contact area 1, (C) Contact area 2, (E) Contact area 3.[16]
  • The first contact area of the Rab27B/Slac2-a interface consists of residues 6 to 9 from the Rab complementarity-determining regions (RabCDR) , part of the switch and interswitch regions of Rab27B, and the coiled-coil regions of Slac2-a.[17] In this first contact area we can find three different types of interactions, electrostatic, hydrophobic and hydrogen bonds: (see figure 4A)

-Phe81, Leu84, and Phe88 from switch 2 of Rab27B participate in Hydrophobic interactions with the residues from α1 and α5 of Slac2-a. Furthermore, Trp73 of Rab27B is located in the middle of this contact area, and it plays a central role in Hydrophobic interactions but also for Slac2-a binding. .[18]

-There are also electrostatic interactions involved in this Slac2-a binding, for instance amino acids Glu14, Val18, and Val21 of Slac2-a are required for this interaction. Arg35 of Slac2-a is also engaged in an electrostatic interaction with the Asp7 carbonyl group of Rab27B.[19]

-In the first contact area, hydrogen bonds between Rab27B/Slac2-a were also observed. First, Asp91 of Rab27B, which confers a negative charge in the center of the interface with Slac2-a, forms hydrogen bonds with Arg29 and Gly133 of Slac2-a. Secondly, the Ile44 carbonyl group of Rab27B form a hydrogen bond with His17 of Slac2-a. Third, Arg90 of Rab27B forms a hydrogen bond with the Arg131 carbonyl group from the α4–α5 loop of Slac2-a. To finish, Glu32 of Slac2-a forms a hydrogen bond with Tyr6 of Rab27B. [20]

  • The second contact area is formed by the Rab complementarity-determining regions (RabCDRs) of Rab27B and 117-SLEWYY-122 motif of Slac2-a helical region (also see figure 4C). [21] [22]

At this interface, there are hydrophobic interactions and three hydrogen bonds. Tyr121 of Slac2-a form a hydrogen bond with the Arg90 carbonyl group of Rab27B. Arg128 of Slac2-a, which is highly conserved among the Slp-family proteins, makes two hydrogen bonds with the carbonyl groups of Gln118 and Ala121 of Rab27B.

  • The third contact area is the smallest one . It involves the zinc-binding subdomain of Slac2-a and the β2–β3 loop of Rab27B, with superposition of their molecular surfaces (see figure 4E).[23]

These findings strongly suggested that Tyr6 from RabCDR and three residues, Leu84, Phe88, and Asp91 from switch 2 of Rab27 are the minimum determinants of Slac2-a binding.[24]

External Resources


  2. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014
  7. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014
  8. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014
  10. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014
  11. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014
  13. Kuroda TS, Ariga H, Fukuda M. The actin-binding domain of Slac2-a/melanophilin is required for melanosome distribution in melanocytes. Mol Cell Biol. 2003 Aug;23(15):5245-55. PMID:12861011
  14. Fukuda M, Kuroda TS, Mikoshiba K. Slac2-a/melanophilin, the missing link between Rab27 and myosin Va: implications of a tripartite protein complex for melanosome transport. J Biol Chem. 2002 Apr 5;277(14):12432-6. Epub 2002 Feb 20. PMID:11856727 doi:10.1074/jbc.C200005200
  15. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014
  16. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014
  17. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014
  18. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014
  19. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014
  20. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014
  21. Ostermeier C, Brunger AT. Structural basis of Rab effector specificity: crystal structure of the small G protein Rab3A complexed with the effector domain of rabphilin-3A. Cell. 1999 Feb 5;96(3):363-74. PMID:10025402
  22. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014
  23. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014
  24. Kukimoto-Niino M, Sakamoto A, Kanno E, Hanawa-Suetsugu K, Terada T, Shirouzu M, Fukuda M, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the exclusive specificity of Slac2-a/melanophilin for the Rab27 GTPases. Structure. 2008 Oct 8;16(10):1478-90. PMID:18940604 doi:10.1016/j.str.2008.07.014


Pernelle Klein, Myriam Deshaies

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