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Potent, Selective Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B Inhibitor Compound 23 Using a Linked-Fragment Strategy
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FunctionPTN1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein phosphatase which acts as a regulator of endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response. Mediates dephosphorylation of EIF2AK3/PERK; inactivating the protein kinase activity of EIF2AK3/PERK. May play an important role in CKII- and p60c-src-induced signal transduction cascades. May regulate the EFNA5-EPHA3 signaling pathway which modulates cell reorganization and cell-cell repulsion.[1] [2] Evolutionary ConservationCheck, as determined by ConSurfDB. You may read the explanation of the method and the full data available from ConSurf. Publication Abstract from PubMedProtein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is an enzyme that downregulates the insulin receptor. Inhibition of PTP1B is expected to improve insulin action, and the design of small molecule PTP1B inhibitors to treat type II diabetes has received considerable attention. In this work, NMR-based screening identified a nonselective competitive inhibitor of PTP1B. A second site ligand was also identified by NMR-based screening and then linked to the catalytic site ligand by rational design. X-ray data confirmed that the inhibitor bound with the catalytic site in the native, "open" conformation. The final compound displayed excellent potency and good selectivity over many other phosphatases. The modular approach to drug design described in this work should be applicable for the design of potent and selective inhibitors of other therapeutically relevant protein tyrosine phosphatases. Discovery of a potent, selective protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitor using a linked-fragment strategy.,Szczepankiewicz BG, Liu G, Hajduk PJ, Abad-Zapatero C, Pei Z, Xin Z, Lubben TH, Trevillyan JM, Stashko MA, Ballaron SJ, Liang H, Huang F, Hutchins CW, Fesik SW, Jirousek MR J Am Chem Soc. 2003 Apr 9;125(14):4087-96. PMID:12670229[3] From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Loading citation details.. Citations 22 reviews cite this structure No citations found See AlsoReferences
Categories: Homo sapiens | Large Structures | Abad-Zapatero C | Ballaron SJ | Fesik SW | Hajduk PJ | Huang F | Hutchins CW | Jirousek MR | Liang H | Liu G | Lubben T | Pei Z | Stashko MA | Szczepankiewicz BG | Trevillyan JM | Xin Z