From Proteopedia
Lysozyme, room temperature, 400 kGy dose
Structural highlights
FunctionLYSC_CHICK Lysozymes have primarily a bacteriolytic function; those in tissues and body fluids are associated with the monocyte-macrophage system and enhance the activity of immunoagents. Has bacteriolytic activity against M.luteus.[1] Publication Abstract from PubMedStructure determination of proteins and other macromolecules has historically required the growth of high-quality crystals sufficiently large to diffract x-rays efficiently while withstanding radiation damage. We applied serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) using an x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) to obtain high-resolution structural information from microcrystals (<1x1x3 mum(3)) of the well-characterized model protein lysozyme. The agreement with synchrotron data demonstrates the immediate relevance of SFX for analyzing the structure of the large group of difficult-to-crystallize molecules. High-Resolution Protein Structure Determination by Serial Femtosecond Crystallography.,Boutet S, Lomb L, Williams GJ, Barends TR, Aquila A, Doak RB, Weierstall U, Deponte DP, Steinbrener J, Shoeman RL, Messerschmidt M, Barty A, White TA, Kassemeyer S, Kirian RA, Seibert MM, Montanez PA, Kenney C, Herbst R, Hart P, Pines J, Haller G, Gruner SM, Philipp HT, Tate MW, Hromalik M, Koerner LJ, van Bakel N, Morse J, Ghonsalves W, Arnlund D, Bogan MJ, Caleman C, Fromme R, Hampton CY, Hunter MS, Johansson L, Katona G, Kupitz C, Liang M, Martin AV, Nass K, Redecke L, Stellato F, Timneanu N, Wang D, Zatsepin NA, Schafer D, Defever J, Neutze R, Fromme P, Spence JC, Chapman HN, Schlichting I Science. 2012 May 31. PMID:22653729[2] From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Loading citation details.. Citations 55 reviews cite this structure No citations found See AlsoReferences
Categories: Gallus gallus | Large Structures | Aquila A | Arnlund D | Barends T | Barty A | Bogan M | Boutet S | Calemann C | Chapman H | DePonte D | Defever K | Doak RB | Fromme P | Fromme R | Ghonsalves W | Gruner S | Haller G | Hampton C | Hart P | Herbst R | Hromalik M | Hunter M | Johansson L | Kassemeyer S | Katona G | Kenney C | Kirian R | Koerner L | Kupitz C | Liang M | Lomb L | Martin A | Messerschmidt M | Montanez P | Morse J | Nass K | Neutze R | Philllip H | Pines J | Redecke L | Schafer D | Schlichting I | Seibert M | Shoeman R | Spence J | Steinbrener J | Stellato F | Tate M | Timneanu N | Wang D | Weierstall U | White T | Williams G | Zatsepin N | Van Bakel N