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Crystal structure of NqrA in spacegroup P21
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FunctionNQRA_VIBCH NQR complex catalyzes the reduction of ubiquinone-1 to ubiquinol by two successive reactions, coupled with the transport of Na(+) ions from the cytoplasm to the periplasm. NqrA to NqrE are probably involved in the second step, the conversion of ubisemiquinone to ubiquinol. Publication Abstract from PubMedNADH oxidation in the respiratory chain is coupled to ion translocation across the membrane to build up an electrochemical gradient. The sodium-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (Na(+)-NQR), a membrane protein complex widespread among pathogenic bacteria, consists of six subunits, NqrA, B, C, D, E and F. To our knowledge, no structural information on the Na(+)-NQR complex has been available until now. Here we present the crystal structure of the Na(+)-NQR complex at 3.5 A resolution. The arrangement of cofactors both at the cytoplasmic and the periplasmic side of the complex, together with a hitherto unknown iron centre in the midst of the membrane-embedded part, reveals an electron transfer pathway from the NADH-oxidizing cytoplasmic NqrF subunit across the membrane to the periplasmic NqrC, and back to the quinone reduction site on NqrA located in the cytoplasm. A sodium channel was localized in subunit NqrB, which represents the largest membrane subunit of the Na(+)-NQR and is structurally related to urea and ammonia transporters. On the basis of the structure we propose a mechanism of redox-driven Na(+) translocation where the change in redox state of the flavin mononucleotide cofactor in NqrB triggers the transport of Na(+) through the observed channel. Structure of the V. cholerae Na+-pumping NADH:quinone oxidoreductase.,Steuber J, Vohl G, Casutt MS, Vorburger T, Diederichs K, Fritz G Nature. 2014 Dec 4;516(7529):62-7. doi: 10.1038/nature14003. PMID:25471880[1] From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Loading citation details.. Citations No citations found See AlsoReferences