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Modified human MxA, nucleotide-free form
Structural highlights
FunctionMX1_HUMAN Interferon-induced dynamin-like GTPase with antiviral activity against a wide range of RNA viruses and some DNA viruses. Its target viruses include negative-stranded RNA viruses and HBV through binding and inactivation of their ribonucleocapsid. May also antagonize reoviridae and asfarviridae replication. Inhibits thogoto virus (THOV) replication by preventing the nuclear import of viral nucleocapsids. Inhibits La Crosse virus (LACV) replication by sequestering viral nucleoprotein in perinuclear complexes, preventing genome amplification, budding, and egress. Inhibits influenza A virus (IAV) replication by decreasing or delaying NP synthesis and by blocking endocytic traffic of incoming virus particles. Enhances ER stress-mediated cell death after influenza virus infection. May regulate the calcium channel activity of TRPCs.[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Publication Abstract from PubMedHuman myxovirus resistance protein 1 (MxA) restricts a wide range of viruses and is closely related to the membrane-remodelling GTPase dynamin. The functions of MxA rely on domain rearrangements coupled with GTP hydrolysis cycles. To gain insight into this process, we studied real-time domain dynamics of MxA by single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer. We find that the GTPase domain-bundle-signalling-element (BSE) region can adopt either an 'open' or a 'closed' conformation in all nucleotide-loading conditions. Whereas the open conformation is preferred in nucleotide-free, GDP.AlF4--bound and GDP-bound forms, loading of GTP activates the relative movement between the two domains and alters the conformational preference to the 'closed' state. Moreover, frequent relative movement was observed between BSE and stalk via hinge 1. On the basis of these results, we suggest how MxA molecules within a helical polymer collectively generate a stable torque through random GTP hydrolysis cycles. Our study provides mechanistic insights into fundamental cellular events such as viral resistance and endocytosis. Conformational dynamics of dynamin-like MxA revealed by single-molecule FRET.,Chen Y, Zhang L, Graf L, Yu B, Liu Y, Kochs G, Zhao Y, Gao S Nat Commun. 2017 May 26;8:15744. doi: 10.1038/ncomms15744. PMID:28548099[15] From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Loading citation details.. Citations 5 reviews cite this structure No citations found See AlsoReferences