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HIV Env BG505 SOSIP with polyclonal Fabs from immunized rabbit #3417 post-boost#1
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FunctionQ2N0S6_9HIV1 The envelope glyprotein gp160 precursor down-modulates cell surface CD4 antigen by interacting with it in the endoplasmic reticulum and blocking its transport to the cell surface (By similarity).[RuleBase:RU004292][SAAS:SAAS000328_004_020447] The gp120-gp41 heterodimer allows rapid transcytosis of the virus through CD4 negative cells such as simple epithelial monolayers of the intestinal, rectal and endocervical epithelial barriers. Both gp120 and gp41 specifically recognize glycosphingolipids galactosyl-ceramide (GalCer) or 3' sulfo-galactosyl-ceramide (GalS) present in the lipid rafts structures of epithelial cells. Binding to these alternative receptors allows the rapid transcytosis of the virus through the epithelial cells. This transcytotic vesicle-mediated transport of virions from the apical side to the basolateral side of the epithelial cells does not involve infection of the cells themselves (By similarity).[SAAS:SAAS000328_004_240990] Publication Abstract from PubMedCharacterizing polyclonal antibody responses via currently available methods is inherently complex and difficult. Mapping epitopes in an immune response is typically incomplete, which creates a barrier to fully understanding the humoral response to antigens and hinders rational vaccine design efforts. Here, we describe a method of characterizing polyclonal responses by using electron microscopy, and we applied this method to the immunization of rabbits with an HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein vaccine candidate, BG505 SOSIP.664. We detected known epitopes within the polyclonal sera and revealed how antibody responses evolved during the prime-boosting strategy to ultimately result in a neutralizing antibody response. We uncovered previously unidentified epitopes, including an epitope proximal to one recognized by human broadly neutralizing antibodies as well as potentially distracting non-neutralizing epitopes. Our method provides an efficient and semiquantitative map of epitopes that are targeted in a polyclonal antibody response and should be of widespread utility in vaccine and infection studies. Electron-Microscopy-Based Epitope Mapping Defines Specificities of Polyclonal Antibodies Elicited during HIV-1 BG505 Envelope Trimer Immunization.,Bianchi M, Turner HL, Nogal B, Cottrell CA, Oyen D, Pauthner M, Bastidas R, Nedellec R, McCoy LE, Wilson IA, Burton DR, Ward AB, Hangartner L Immunity. 2018 Aug 21;49(2):288-300.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2018.07.009. Epub, 2018 Aug 7. PMID:30097292[1] From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Loading citation details.. Citations No citations found See AlsoReferences