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Crystal structure of the B5 TCR in complex with HLA-DP4-Ply
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DiseaseTRAC_HUMAN TCR-alpha-beta-positive T-cell deficiency. The disease is caused by variants affecting the gene represented in this entry. FunctionTRAC_HUMAN Constant region of T cell receptor (TR) alpha chain (PubMed:24600447). Alpha-beta T cell receptors are antigen specific receptors which are essential to the immune response and are present on the cell surface of T lymphocytes. Recognize peptide-major histocompatibility (MH) (pMH) complexes that are displayed by antigen presenting cells (APC), a prerequisite for efficient T cell adaptive immunity against pathogens (PubMed:25493333). Binding of alpha-beta TR to pMH complex initiates TR-CD3 clustering on the cell surface and intracellular activation of LCK that phosphorylates the ITAM motifs of CD3G, CD3D, CD3E and CD247 enabling the recruitment of ZAP70. In turn, ZAP70 phosphorylates LAT, which recruits numerous signaling molecules to form the LAT signalosome. The LAT signalosome propagates signal branching to three major signaling pathways, the calcium, the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase and the nuclear factor NF-kappa-B (NF-kB) pathways, leading to the mobilization of transcription factors that are critical for gene expression and essential for T cell growth and differentiation (PubMed:23524462). The T cell repertoire is generated in the thymus, by V-(D)-J rearrangement. This repertoire is then shaped by intrathymic selection events to generate a peripheral T cell pool of self-MH restricted, non-autoaggressive T cells. Post-thymic interaction of alpha-beta TR with the pMH complexes shapes TR structural and functional avidity (PubMed:15040585).[1] [2] [3] [4] Publication Abstract from PubMedCD4(+) T cell-mediated immunity against Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) can protect against recurrent bacterial colonization and invasive pneumococcal diseases (IPDs). Although such immune responses are common, the pertinent antigens have remained elusive. We identified an immunodominant CD4(+) T cell epitope derived from pneumolysin (Ply), a member of the bacterial cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs). This epitope was broadly immunogenic as a consequence of presentation by the pervasive human leukocyte antigen (HLA) allotypes DPB1( *)02 and DPB1( *)04 and recognition via architecturally diverse T cell receptors (TCRs). Moreover, the immunogenicity of Ply(427-444) was underpinned by core residues in the conserved undecapeptide region (ECTGLAWEWWR), enabling cross-recognition of heterologous bacterial pathogens expressing CDCs. Molecular studies further showed that HLA-DP4-Ply(427-441) was engaged similarly by private and public TCRs. Collectively, these findings reveal the mechanistic determinants of near-global immune focusing on a trans-phyla bacterial epitope, which could inform ancillary strategies to combat various life-threatening infectious diseases, including IPDs. CD4(+) T cell-mediated recognition of a conserved cholesterol-dependent cytolysin epitope generates broad antibacterial immunity.,Ciacchi L, van de Garde MDB, Ladell K, Farenc C, Poelen MCM, Miners KL, Llerena C, Reid HH, Petersen J, Price DA, Rossjohn J, van Els CACM Immunity. 2023 May 9;56(5):1082-1097.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.03.020. Epub , 2023 Apr 25. PMID:37100059[5] From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Loading citation details.. Citations No citations found See AlsoReferences