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Structure of LRRC8C-LRRC8A(IL125) Chimera, Class 3
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DiseaseLRC8A_HUMAN Autosomal agammaglobulinemia. The disease is caused by mutations affecting the gene represented in this entry. A chromosomal aberration involving LRRC8 has been found in a patient with congenital agammaglobulinemia. Translocation t(9;20)(q33.2;q12). The translocation truncates the LRRC8 gene, resulting in deletion of the eighth, ninth, and half of the seventh LRR domains. FunctionLRC8C_HUMAN Non-essential component of the volume-regulated anion channel (VRAC, also named VSOAC channel), an anion channel required to maintain a constant cell volume in response to extracellular or intracellular osmotic changes (PubMed:24790029, PubMed:26824658, PubMed:28193731). The VRAC channel conducts iodide better than chloride and can also conduct organic osmolytes like taurine (PubMed:24790029, PubMed:26824658, PubMed:28193731). Plays a redundant role in the efflux of amino acids, such as aspartate and glutamate, in response to osmotic stress (PubMed:24790029, PubMed:26824658, PubMed:28193731). The VRAC channel also mediates transport of immunoreactive cyclic dinucleotide GMP-AMP (2'-3'-cGAMP), an immune messenger produced in response to DNA virus in the cytosol (PubMed:33171122). Channel activity requires LRRC8A plus at least one other family member (LRRC8B, LRRC8C, LRRC8D or LRRC8E); channel characteristics depend on the precise subunit composition (PubMed:24790029, PubMed:26824658, PubMed:28193731).[1] [2] [3] [4] LRC8A_HUMAN Essential component of the volume-regulated anion channel (VRAC, also named VSOAC channel), an anion channel required to maintain a constant cell volume in response to extracellular or intracellular osmotic changes (PubMed:24725410, PubMed:24790029, PubMed:26530471, PubMed:26824658, PubMed:28193731, PubMed:29769723). The VRAC channel conducts iodide better than chloride and can also conduct organic osmolytes like taurine (PubMed:24725410, PubMed:24790029, PubMed:26530471, PubMed:26824658, PubMed:28193731). Mediates efflux of amino acids, such as aspartate and glutamate, in response to osmotic stress (PubMed:28193731). LRRC8A and LRRC8D are required for the uptake of the drug cisplatin (PubMed:26530471). Required for in vivo channel activity, together with at least one other family member (LRRC8B, LRRC8C, LRRC8D or LRRC8E); channel characteristics depend on the precise subunit composition (PubMed:24790029, PubMed:26824658, PubMed:28193731). Can form functional channels by itself (in vitro) (PubMed:26824658). Involved in B-cell development: required for the pro-B cell to pre-B cell transition (PubMed:14660746). Also required for T-cell development (By similarity).[UniProtKB:Q80WG5][5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] Publication Abstract from PubMedVolume-regulated anion channels (VRACs) mediate volume regulatory Cl(-) and organic solute efflux from vertebrate cells. VRACs are heteromeric assemblies of LRRC8A-E proteins with unknown stoichiometries. Homomeric LRRC8A and LRRC8D channels have a small pore, hexameric structure. However, these channels are either non-functional or exhibit abnormal regulation and pharmacology, limiting their utility for structure-function analyses. We circumvented these limitations by developing novel homomeric LRRC8 chimeric channels with functional properties consistent with those of native VRAC/LRRC8 channels. We demonstrate here that the LRRC8C-LRRC8A(IL1(25)) chimera comprising LRRC8C and 25 amino acids unique to the first intracellular loop (IL1) of LRRC8A has a heptameric structure like that of homologous pannexin channels. Unlike homomeric LRRC8A and LRRC8D channels, heptameric LRRC8C-LRRC8A(IL1(25)) channels have a large-diameter pore similar to that estimated for native VRACs, exhibit normal DCPIB pharmacology, and have higher permeability to large organic anions. Lipid-like densities are located between LRRC8C-LRRC8A(IL1(25)) subunits and occlude the channel pore. Our findings provide new insights into VRAC/LRRC8 channel structure and suggest that lipids may play important roles in channel gating and regulation. Cryo-EM structures of an LRRC8 chimera with native functional properties reveal heptameric assembly.,Takahashi H, Yamada T, Denton JS, Strange K, Karakas E Elife. 2023 Mar 10;12:e82431. doi: 10.7554/eLife.82431. PMID:36897307[12] From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Loading citation details.. Citations No citations found See AlsoReferences