Allophycocyanin 3D structures

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3D Structures of Allophycocyanin

Updated on 01-September-2022

1all – APC – Arthrospira platensis
1b33 – APC – Mastigocladus laminosus
1kn1 – APC – Porphyra yezoensis
2v8a, 4f0u – APC – Thermosynechococcus elongatus
2vjt – APC – Gloeobacter violaceus
3dbj - TvAPC – Thermosynechococcus vulcanus
4po5 – SyAPS α-B subunit + β chain – Synechocystis
3jbb – APS α-B subunit + β chain – Halomicronema Hongdechloris
4rmp – APS – Phormidium
5tjf – APS α + β subunit – Gracilaria chilensis
6hrk – APS beta-18 subunit + biliverdine – Chrococidiopsis thermalis
6kgx – APS in phycobilisome – Porphyridium purpureum – Cryo EM
7vea – TvAPS in phycobilisome – Cryo EM
7ext, 7sc7, 7sc9, 7scb, 7scc – SyAPS in phycobilisome – Cryo EM
7eyd – APS in phycobilisome – Anabena – Cryo EM

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