Colony-stimulating factor receptor (CSFR) are binding the Colony-stimulating factors and thus mediating the lineage-specific growth of cells of the mononuclear phagocytes series as bone marrow-derived precursors of monocytes and macrophages[1].
- Macrophage colony stimulating factor receptor (M-CSFR) cause the hematopoietic stem cells to differentiate into macrophages or related cell types.
- Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor receptor (GM-CSFR) regulates the production and activation of of hemopoietic cells as monocytes, macrophages and granulocytesparticipates in the development, survival and activation of neutrophilic granulocytes and controls dendritic cells and T-cell function[2].
- Granulocyte colony stimulating factor receptor (G-CSFR) participates in the development, survival and activation of neutrophilic granulocytes and in the development of other myeloid lineages[3].
See also
Mutations in G-CSFR were found in patients with severe congenital neutropenia[4] and are associated with the progression of acute myeloid leukemia[5].
An increase in the presence of M-CSFR is observed in ovarian tumor cells[6].
Structural highlights
The via the conserved kinase DFG motif (colored in salmon) and its gatekeeper threonine residue (colored in magenta)[7].
3D structures of colony-stimulating factor receptor
Colony-stimulating factor receptor 3D structures