Institute of Clinical Biochemistry
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About IKB
Institute of Clinical Biochemistry (IKB) is situated at the Rikshospitalet University Hospital, and is part of the University of Oslo (Norway)
Research at IKB
Research at IKB aims to unravel the dynamic interplay between cellular processes on a molecular level, that can be used to understand and treat disease. Of particular interest are processes related to DNA integrity and mitochondrial biology. IKB has established methodology within structural and mitochondrial biology like advanced protein purification, X-ray crystallography, separation and analysis of large protein complexes, high resolution respirometry, confocal microscopy for in vivo imaging in addition to laser-tweezers microscopy to study molecular interactions. The research groups at IKB have collaborative projects with external groups at Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Medical Centre, with various institutes at the University of Oslo as well as with research groups abroad. The institute hosts the core facility for structural biology (protein crystallography) at Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Medical Centre. Two of the research groups are involved in the Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (CMBN; one of the Centers of Excellence in Science in Norway).
Research areas
Mitochondria: DNA and function
The mitogroup focuses on function of mitochondria in relation to oxidative stress and mtDNA damage. Oxidative stress damages mtDNA but also suppresses respiratory function of mitochondria. Particular interest is the interplay between respiration function and mtDNA damage accumulation/repair. Molecular methods are used to characterize damage and repair of mtDNA, assembly of mitochondrial complexes in the mitochondrial inner membrane in addition to functional assessment by high-resolution respirometry and in vivo confocal imaging.
DNA-repair: molecular- and structural biology of DNA base lesions
The DNA repair group focuses on how DNA base lesions are detected and processed by the various DNA repair proteins within the cell. We aim at mapping the molecular principles of recognition of specific base lesions that occur in DNA as a consequence of different processes like oxidation of DNA, damages by electromagnetic radiation, contact with reactive chemicals or different carcinogenic compounds. We use both biological and biochemical methods to study the function of single DNA repair proteins as well as the interplay between different proteins. Further, we also use methods within molecular biology like site-spesific mutagenesis and cloning in order to map the function and lesion specificity of the DNA repair proteins. We also take the advantage of structural biology (protein structure determination) and the optical laser tweezers to study the molecular interactions and dynamics of the different repair proteins.
Core facility for structural biology
The DNA repair group also operate the Core facility for structural biology, which serves research groups associated with Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Medical Center as well as groups belonging to the University of Oslo. We can offer counseling and practical training within protein expression and purification. We also offer experimental structure determination of protein structures and different bioinformatics analysis on a collaborative basis. For more information, please visit the Core Facility home page:
Academic staff at the institute is involved in PBL-based teaching.
- Lars Eide 23071062; (
- Lars Mørkrid 23071075; (
External Master Degree
We have previously supervised students who want to arrange an External Master Degree. In addition, we can accommodate students from "forskerlinjen" in medicine.