Molecular Playground/RBP

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D- Ribose Binding Protein (RBP) is involved in signal transduction of the chemokine D-ribose to stimulate chemotaxis in bacteria.

One of the CBI Molecules being studied in the University of Massachusetts Amherst Chemistry-Biology Interface Program at UMass Amherst and on display at the Molecular Playground.

Molecular Playground/D-Ribose Binding Protein

Tetrameric open conformation of E. Coli D-Ribose Binding Protein for signal transduction of Chemotaxis machinery RBP 1urp. The differnt colors signify the different subunits.

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In the open conformation the RBP is found as a tetramer with four identical domains, A,B,C,and D. Within each of these domains lies a binding site for d-ribose. See the figure to the right.

Closed monomeric conformation of the RBP upon binding with ligand, D-Ribose 2dri

Drag the structure with the mouse to rotate

When d-ribose enters the periplasmic space of the gram negative bacteria and binds to one of the monomers, the RBP monomer undergoes a conformational change and folds in a hinge motion locking the ligand into its binding site.The ligand bound form of the RBP interacts with transmembrane protein Trg, the chemotaxis transducer for d-ribose. Trg then sends biochemical signals to tell the bacteria's flagella to rotate leading to bacterial migration towards the sugar food source.

Molecular Playground banner: A bacterial periplasmic ligand-binding protein for chemotaxis signal transduction.

3D structures of ribose-binding protein

Ribose-binding protein

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Michal Harel, Jan Panteli

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