Mevalonate kinase (MK) is the first enzyme in the mevalonate pathway which synthesizes sterol isoprenoids like cholesterol and non-sterol isoprenoids like ubiquinone[1]. MK catalyzes the conversion of mevalonate to 5-phosphomevalonate.
See also Mevalonate pathway
Mutations in MK resulting in MK deficiency cause hyperimmunoglobulinenemia D, a type of severe early-onset colitis, characterized by abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting[2].
Structural highlights
The 3D structure of MK complex with mevalonate shows the enzyme composed of : The N-terminal and the C-terminal. The mevalonate binds in a between the 2 domains forming [3]. Water molecules are shown as red spheres.
3D structures of mevalonate kinase
Updated on 16-January-2023
2r3v - hMK - human
2r42 - rMK + farnesyl thiopyrophosphate- rat
1kvk - rMK + ATP
4hac - MmMK - Methanosarcina mazei
6mde - MmMK + mevalonate
6mdf - MmMK + 5-phosphomevalonate
1kkh, 1vis - MK - Methancaldococcus jannaschii
2oi2 - MK + diphosphomevalonate - Streptococcus pneumaniae
2hfs - LmMK - Leishmania major
2hfu - LmMK + mevalonate
2x7i - LmMK - Staphylococcus aureus