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Neuroglobin (NGB) is involved in cellular oxygen homeostasis. It binds oxygen reversibly. It increases oxygen availability in the brain. It is a monomer containing a heme group[1].


NGB may influence the course of Alzhheimer's disease[2].

Structural highlights

  • Heme binding site. Water molecules are shown as red spheres.
  • 1st Xe coordination site.
  • 2nd Xe coordination site.
  • 3rd Xe binding site.
  • 4th Xe binding site.

Mouse neuroglobin showing the heme and complexed with sulfate and Xe 3gk9

Drag the structure with the mouse to rotate

3D Structures of Neuroglobin

Updated on 13-July-2023

4mpm – hNGB - human
1oj6, 7vqg – hNGB (mutant)
5eet, 6r1q – mNGB – mouse
3gk9, 3gkt, 2vry, 1q1f, 4mu5, 4nzi, 4o1t, 4o4t, 5eoh, 5eqm, 5eu2, 5ev5, 5eyj, 5eys, 5f0b, 5f2a, 5nvi, 5nw6, 5o17, 5o18, 5o1k, 5o27, 6eye, 6h5z, 6h6c, 6h6i, 6ra6, 7ohd – mNGB (mutant)
6i3t, 6i40 – mNGB + CO
3gln, 1w92, 4o2g, 4o35, 6h6j – mNGB (mutant) + CO
4o4z – mNGB (mutant) + N2O
5mjc, 5mjd – mNGB + O2
4b4y – NGB – Symsagittifera roscoffensis


  1. Uzan J, Dewilde S, Burmester T, Hankeln T, Moens L, Hamdane D, Marden MC, Kiger L. Neuroglobin and other hexacoordinated hemoglobins show a weak temperature dependence of oxygen binding. Biophys J. 2004 Aug;87(2):1196-204. PMID:15298922 doi:
  2. Sun F, Mao X, Xie L, Greenberg DA, Jin K. Neuroglobin protein is upregulated in Alzheimer's disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2013;36(4):659-63. doi: 10.3233/JAD-130323. PMID:23648513 doi:

Proteopedia Page Contributors and Editors (what is this?)

Michal Harel, Alexander Berchansky, Joel L. Sussman

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