From Proteopedia
FunctionVinculins (VCLs) are involved in adhesion by linking integrin molecules to the actin cytoskeleton. Its head domain (Vd1) can bind to talin or to alpha-actinin at their respective VCL Binding Sites (VBS)[1]. The protein raver1 RNA Recognition Motif (RRM) forms a complex with VCL or m-VCL. Metavinculin (m-VCL) is a splice version of VCL containing an extra ca. 70 amino acids in the C-terminal domain. RelevanceLoss of VCL could be used as a prognostic factor for colorectal cancer se it promotes metastasis[2]. DiseaseMutation in m-VCL can yield cardiomyopathic phenotype[3]. Structural highlightsVinculin Autoinhibition is achieved through a high affinity intramolecular interaction between tail (orange) and head (aqua) domains (1st6). Energetically, I997 is key to maintaining this autoinhibition. 3D Structures of VinculinReferences
- Created with the participation of Susan Craig.