Gramicidin Channel in Lipid Bilayer

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Theoretical Model: The structure described on this page was determined theoretically (in 1994[1]), and hence should be interpreted with caution.

Theoretical model of gramicidin in a lipid bilayer (phosphatidyl ethanolamine).

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Two copies of the 15-amino-acid gramicidin peptide are shown here (restore initial scene) arranged as they are believed to be when they form a channel through a lipid bilayer membrane[1]. The shape of the protein is shown with tiny dots, inside of which is a ribbon backbone trace connecting the alpha carbon atoms of each amino acid chain.

  • Show only the backbone of the gramicidin protein chains. The chains are covalently linked with dioxolane in this experiment (C, O)
  • Show a slice of the lipid bilayer. C, H, O, N, P
    (Most hydrogen atoms are omitted.)
  • Show water. Notice how the hydrophobic lipid "tails" exclude water.
  • Water passes through the channel.
  • Show only water.
  • Show only 2 phospholipids and 2 waters. C, H, O, N, P.
    For an explanation of their structure, see the detailed tutorial, also disponible en español.
Remember to use the popup button and then resize the popup window to enlarge the molecular scenes.

See Also



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Crouzy S, Woolf TB, Roux B. A molecular dynamics study of gating in dioxolane-linked gramicidin A channels. Biophys J. 1994 Oct;67(4):1370-86. PMID:7529578 doi:

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Eric Martz, Angel Herraez, David Canner, Jaime Prilusky

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